✨EdTech Transformation Survey

Unlock the full potential of your educational technology operations with
The LMS Doctor's ✨EdTech Transformation Survey!
In just 15 minutes, gain invaluable insights and pave the way for enhanced clarity and control over your EdTech strategy. Discover who your key stakeholders and EdTech team members are, their roles, and expertise levels. Uncover the systems that make up your learning ecosystem and assess the confidence levels of your stakeholders in various areas like content quality, user engagement, and vendor relations.
In less than 15 minutes, find out:
Who your stakeholders are, including names, contact information, organizational affiliations, titles, and roles.
The composition and expertise of your EdTech team, their tenure, size, and skill levels in design, administration, and systems.
The details of your learning ecosystem, including authoring/design tools, learning management systems, external training systems, and integrations.
Stakeholder confidence levels in content, engagement, administration, governance, functionality onboarding, analytics, support, vendor relations, and eCommerce.
Your position on the Brandon Hall maturity model, including developing, formalizing, and optimizing standards of use.
Feedback on the broader profession from your EdTech stakeholders, covering pandemic challenges, future training prospects, vendor collaborations, and control over training efforts.
Transform your EdTech operations today and step towards a more controlled and clear future. Start the journey and instantly unlock the critical information that will empower your organization's learning environment.
Your transformation journey begins ✨ Here ...